Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying More Home Decor


Have you ever picked up something at the store (Target maybe?) and brought it home just to realize you don’t actually have a place for it? Or it’s smaller/bigger than you realized? Or the colors aren’t quite the match you hoped for?

Have you spotted something on Instagram and just “had to have it” just to be shoving it in a closet 3 months later with great intentions to pull it back out eventually? 

Look, we’ve all been there. We’ve purchased items on a whim with the best of intentions just to be let down with our selection later. (Or disappointed that we didn’t respect our budget.) To help with impulse spending and buyer’s remorse, here are a handful of questions to ask yourself before buying more home decor.

1. Am I buying this for the next 10 minutes, 10 months or 10 years? 

While it might sound a little extreme, this question can really help you evaluate whether you’re shopping for the dopamine hit, for a trendy item you’ll eventually hate, or if you’re actually purchasing an item that will fit in your home for many years to come. If you think you’ll be using this item for the long term, jump to the next question. If you’re shopping just to feel good, put it down, friend. 

2. Where is this item going?

Do you have a specific location in mind for this item? If not, would it be something easily used in a variety of spaces? If yes, then move on to the next question. If no, take a photo of the item (and note the size) and go home to see if you can discover the perfect place for it. Then return to make the purchase. 

Lovely Tip: Having a running list on your phone for items you’d like to find for your home is a great way to shop mindfully. When you spot a cute decor piece, pull out your running list and see if it could fill in any of the voids in your home. 

3. Does this fit my home’s aesthetic? 

Will this item fit your current home aesthetic (or what you’re working towards)? Are the colors going to tie into the other elements in your space or will it feel out of place? If not, put it down. If yes, then go on to the final question.

4. Is it in my budget? 

Final and maybe the most important question - is this purchase in your budget? Will it mess up your other financial goals? If it’s not in the budget, WALK AWAY. 

Even if it’s on sale. Home decor is not a necessity and purchasing something that it’s in your budget at the moment isn’t serving your or your home well. Make a note of the item and price point and save. Make a plan to purchase it at a time when you have it in the budget. 

Already have the cash available and it fits into your budget allowance? Yay! Enjoy your thoughtfully purchased home decor knowing it fits your home’s aesthetic, has a place to go, and is something you’ll love for years to come!