March Spring Cleaning Kick Starter Challenge


Warmer temps and hints of Spring on the way immediately gets me itching to clean, purge and reset our home. There’s just something about that sunshine that calls for a refresh (or in some cases, a full overhaul). With our home becoming a rental property soon (available in June), there’s more to do than the typical Spring Cleaning.

In an effort to avoid overwhelm (is that even possible?!), I created a game plan to tackle my Spring Cleaning + Rental Property Prep weekend by weekend. Rather than creating a daily Challenge this month, I’m focusing on tasks I’d like to complete by the end of each week. This should give me flexibility to work on tasks during the week or wait until the weekend, but of course the goal will be to have all items checked off before the end of each weekend.

You can see my current plan above. Am I overly ambitious? (Answer: probably.) I’ll check in on Instagram to let you know how it goes throughout the month.

If you’d like to create your own weekend or weekly spring cleaning goals for March, you can click the image to access my Canva template. You’ll be able to update the tasks to your specific needs and goals.

If you haven’t seen our new (assuming all is well after the home inspection today 3/3) home yet, you can check it out here.