A New Focus Lovely Lark Living 2.0


Forgive me for the incredibly terrible title to this blog post but it serves the purpose and I never claimed that my creativity came in the form of writing so we’re rolling with it.

First, if you haven’t yet read my blog post, From constant wanting + buying to Finding contentment in Less, pause and jump over there before continuing on. Otherwise, you’ll likely feel like you jumped in on the middle of a Jane the Virgin episode and be entirely confused on what’s actually happening and how we got here.

(If you haven’t watched Jane the Virgin, what are you waiting for? So much over the top drama in every episode and perfect for bingeing.)

OK, back to it. “Lovely Lark Living 2.0” implies an update and that’s exactly what’s happening in my business. But don’t worry - design support is absolutely here to stay. I am, however, adjusting how I’m serving you in that space in an effort to better align with my personal goals of mindful consumerism and ethical shopping.

Again, pop over to this blog post if you aren’t familiar with this topic yet. 

Design Services  

My most popular service, Digital Design Plans, will remain largely the same with full room designs that include concept boards, clickable shopping links, space planning, installation details, a budget breakdown, etc.. However, there will be one noticeable shift: my selections will be centered around sourcing items that are either fair-trade, small business, and/or have been reviewed and known to have ethical practices in their manufacturing.

If I am to continue selecting items for others, I want as many of those purchases as possible to be positively impacting others. One way we can do that is by spending money with businesses that are focused on providing fair wages for their makers. These items are also typically incredibly well made and high quality making the investment something you can rely on for many, many years to come.

Now, not all items will always fit this criteria, but my goal is to start with at least 50% or more of the selected items to be in alignment with this priority. (And I will continue to increase this percentage as time goes on.) I will also encourage thrifting and vintage items (especially with home styling) since secondhand shopping is another wonderful way to fill your home with beautiful selections and give new life to items that would otherwise go to landfills.

Other services still to be offered:

  • Home Consultations

  • In-person Styling Sessions

  • Space Planning

  • Mini Digital Designs

  • Sketch Styling

  • Construction Support

  • Hourly Rate Services as needed 

I also want to help potential clients to pause and process why they are choosing to update their spaces. Is it due to outward influences or internal? Are there things you can work with inside your home rather than purchasing all new? As much as I love helping clients design new spaces, I also know we can easily be trapped in a cycle of “more” and discontentment. I will be offering a personal questionnaire to help client’s process these types of questions prior to scheduling a service to ensure any changes and purchases are in their best interest. 

You’ll also start seeing blog posts with information on: creating classic, timeless spaces (that you won’t feel compelled to redo every six months), how to look for pieces that will last, how to find thrifted items for your space, how to be a more conscious consumer, and more. My hope is that we will learn to shift our shopping habits together all while creating spaces we adore for years to come. 

Personal Styling 

Yes, friend, you read that correctly. I am in the process of adding Personal Styling services to my offerings! As I’ve explored more with fair-trade clothing brands (which are high quality and made to last many years and through multiple seasons) and started experimenting with creating Capsule Wardrobes, I’ve realized a passion I’d love to share with others (outside my constant style reels). 

To begin, you will start seeing Shop the Look blog posts using fair-trade selections, education on fair-trade practices, tips on what to look for in closet staples, and my favorite fair-trade businesses. 

From there I hope to offer e-books to help you create your own capsule wardrobe that works for your life and makes you feel excited to get dressed everyday. With clickable shopping links, decluttering tips, numerous styling ideas and more, you’ll have a tool to help you move from overwhelmed (and an overstuffed closet) to content and streamlined. 

Finally, I am excited to begin offering virtual and in-person Closet Edits to help you make the most of what you own and help you discover the style that works best for your life!

Why the Change? 

Because I know I can do better. Yes, I’ve helped people create beautiful spaces over the past few years, but I think we can go deeper than that. I have a vision of how my business can positively impact women and families that is so far beyond what I’ve done thus far and I honestly can’t wait to dig in. I want the clients I serve to feel: 

  • Confident in their style and home

  • Worthy of creating a wardrobe and environment they love

  • Content in what they have

  • Proud of the items they own and how they impact others

  • At ease in their home and their life 

I believe that our purchasing power can be and should be used for good in our communities and beyond. I believe that having confidence in our personal appearance and home can positively impact how we show up for others and ourselves. I believe that eliminating decision fatigue and impulse buying through thoughtful capsule wardrobes and timeless spaces can lead to a life of more contentment and less comparison. And well, doesn’t that sound lovely?